Importation/ Role of Transportation

 Importation/ Role of Transportation:-

Importation/ Role of Transportation for the development of countary

  • It contributes to the social, industrial, economic and cultural development of the country.
  • It plays a vital role for the economic development of any region since every commodity produced whether it is food, clothing, industrial products or medicine needs transport at all stage from production to distribution.
  • In the production stage, transportation is required for carrying raw materials like seeds, coal, Steel etc.
  • In distribution stage transportation is required from the production centres like farms and factories to the marketing centres and later to the retailers and the consumers for distribution.
  • The improper transportation facilities retard the process of development of the country.
  • The proper transportation system of the country indicates it's social and economic development.
  •  The economic activities are processes by means of which the products are utilized to satisfy human wants. Two important factors well known in economic activity are

              1. Production power supply

              2. Conjunctions for human wants or demand

  • Man and his demand are not bound to his local surrounding.
  • The importance of transportation in economic activity is to be found in its effects on both human wants for goods and satisfaction through production and distribution.
  • While discussing the general effect of transportation it may be said that the increased productivity and its efficient transportation can lower the cost of products.
  • The transportation cost is always an influencing factor on consumer price of commodities.


Social effects of transportation:-

  • Development follows the lines of transportation.
  • People have always settled along the bank of the river, roadside and near railway stations.
  • Attempts are being made to decentralize the population centres away from the sides of the main transportation routes.
  • The various social effects of transportation are

1. Sectionalism and transportation:-

  • Improved transportation has important implication in reducing sectionalism within the country and also outside the country.
  • Under-developed colonies are improving their living condition since the distance has been reduced with reduction in travel time.
  • More frequent travels in other parts of the country and outside the country tend to increase knowledge of the people from other sections of society.
  • The international understanding for better peace and order also improves with efficient network of transportation.

2. Concentration of population into urban area:-

  • The improved transportation network brings prosperity to the urban population.
  • The prosperity and employment opportunities of the urban area attract the population from other areas resulting in enhanced economic activities.
  • Adequate mass transportation facilities are needed to cater the internal movements in urban area such as daily movements to and from schools, offices, factories, hospitals and other social needs.
  • Efficient rapid transit facilities are necessary for sub-urban and inter-city long distance travel for business needs social visits and tourist activities.

3. Aspect of safety law and order:-

  • Transportation facilities are essential for rushing aids two areas affected by an emergency.
  • To maintain law and order at home, it is required to have an efficient system of transportation network.
  • To defend the country against the external aggression and to guard the borders with the foreign territories, transport facility are needed connecting the farthest border area from the headquarters or capitals.


Advantages of transportation:-

Following are the advantages of transportation-

  • Transportation is vital for development of the country.
  • Transportation is essential for the economic prosperity and general development of the country.
  • Transportation is essential for strategic movement in emergency for defense of the country.Transportation is essential to maintain better law and order.

Role of transportation in rural development:-

  • With over 75% of the population of the country living in the villages.
  • The developments in in urban centres alone do not indicate the overall development of the country.
  • Only with the improvement in transportation facility in rural area, there could be faster development of the rural centres.
  • The fertilizers and other inputs for agriculture and cottage industries who reached the rural population easily.
  • Similarly the products can be sold at the nearest marketing centres for better price resulting in faster economic growth and decreased wastage.
  • With improved facilities for education, health care and other social needs in the villages the urge for the migration to urban centres decreases, thus helping in balance development of the country as a whole.


Railway Engineering:-

The branch of transportation engineering which deals with the design and laying of railway tracks and yards, their importance and the safety and control of train movements are termed as railway engineering.

Highway Engineering:-

The branch of transportation engineering which deals with the planning, design, construction and maintenance of road and roadway facilities to cater to the needs of road traffic is termed as engineering for highway engineering.

Airport Engineering:-

The branch of transportation engineering which deals with the planning, design, construction and maintenance of airport and other facilities for the operation of aircraft is termed as airport engineering.

Harbour Engineering:-

The branch of transportation engineering which deals with the development of terminal facilities for ships and boats, their harbouring, repairs etc. are termed as harbour engineering.

Importation/ Role of Transportation Importation/ Role of Transportation Reviewed by Shashi Bhushan on 5:59 AM Rating: 5

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