Phase Diagram and Some Important Definitions

  •  Phase Diagram and Some Important Definitions

Phase Diagram:-

  • Phase diagram is a graphical representation of the physical state of Soil (any substance) under different conditions.
  • Soil consists of solid particles with voids between particles filled with air, water, or both.
  • These three constituents (solid particle, water and air) blended together to form soil.
  • Constituents cannot be separated actually.
  •  A 3-phase diagram is used for easy to understand and convenience in the calculation.
  • Soil is a 3-phase system when it is partially saturated.
  • It becomes a two-phase system when it is fully saturated or fully dry.
  • In phase diagram constituents are arranged according to its specific gravity. Constituent with high specific gravity put in the lower position.

                                                               Fig.1- Three-Phase System

                                                                  Fig.2- Two-Phase System


VA = Volume of Air

VW = Volume of Water

VS = Volume of Solid

V = Total volume of soil

VV = Volume of Void

WA = Weight of Air

WW = Weight of Water

WS = Weight of Solid

W = Total weight of soil

Some Important Definitions:-

Water Content:-

  •  It is denoted by w.
  •  It is also called moisture content.
  •  It is the ratio of the weight of water to the weight of soil solids.
  •  It expresses in percentage.
  •  It has a minimum value of zero.
  • There is no upper limit of Water content.
  •  Fine drained soil has higher water content as compared to coarse-grained soil.
  • It represents Hygroscopic water, Gravity water and Capillary water.
  • It can be removed by oven drying.

Void Ratio:-

  •  It is donated by e.
  • It is the ratio of the volume of voids to the volume of solids.
  • It expresses in decimal.
  • It is always greater than zero.
  • There is no upper limit of void ratio.
  • It is a measure of Denseness (or Looseness) of soil.
  • Size of void in coarse-grained soil is larger than that in fine-grained soil.
  • Fine-grained soil has higher void ratio as compared to coarse-grained soil.
  • Total volume of void in fine-grained soil is more as compared to coarse-grained soil.
  • Void ratio is more important engineering property.

  • It is denoted by n.
  • It is the ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of the soil.
  • It is expressed in percentage.
  • The porosity of soil always less than 100%.
  • It is always greater than zero.
  • Porosity is also a measure of Denseness (or Looseness) of soil
  • In comparison to porosity, the void ratio is more frequently used because the volume of solid remains constant, whereas total volume changes.
Degree of Saturation:-
  • It is denoted by S.
  • It is the ratio of the volume of water in the void to the volume of voids.
  • It is expressed in percentage.
  • The volume of voids is equal to the volume of air plus the volume of water in the soil mass.
  • It has a maximum volume of 100%.
  • It has a minimum value of 0%.
  • For fully dry soil Vw = 0, Hence degree of saturation S = 0%.
  • For fully saturated soil Vv = Vw, Hence degree of saturation S = 100%.
  • For partially saturated soil, degree of saturation varies from 0 to 100%.
Air Content:-
  • It is denoted by ac.
  • It is the ratio of the volume of air void to the total volume of voids.
  • It is expressed in percentage.
  • ac = 1 – S
Percentage Air Voids:-
  • It is denoted by na.
  • It is the ratio of the volume of air voids to the total volume of the soil mass.
  • It is expressed in percentage.
  • na =
Unit Weight:

Bulk Unit Weight:-
  • It is denoted by γt.
  • Bulk unit weight of soil mass is defined as total weight per unit volume of soil.
  • It is the ratio of the total weight of the soil to the total volume of the soil.
  • It is expressed as KN/m3, N/m3, kgf/cm3.
Unit Weight of Solids:-
  • It is denoted by γs.
  • It is also called Absolute unit weight.
  • It represents the weight of soil solid per unit volume of solids.
  • It is the ratio of the weight of soil solids to the total volume of the solids only (soil solid).

Unit Weight of Water:-
  • It is denoted by γw.
  • It is the weight per unit volume of water.
  • It is the ratio of the weight of water to the volume of the water.
  • The value of the unit weight of water changes with the temperature of the water.
  • The unit weight of water usually taken as 9.81 KN/m3 or 1000 Kg/m3 at 40C.
Dry Unit Weight:-
  • It is denoted by γd.
  • It represents the weight of soil solid or weight of dry soil per unit volume of the soil mass.
  • It is the ratio of the weight of dry soil or weight of soil solids to the total volume of the soil mass.
  • It is a measure of the denseness of soil.
  • Higher the value of dry unit weight represents the more compacted soil.
Saturated Unit Weight:-
  • It is denoted by γsat.
  • It represents the bulk unit weight of the soil in a saturated condition.
  • It is the ratio of the weight of soil in saturated condition (weight of saturated soil) to the total volume of the soil mass. 
γsat = Wsat / V

Submerged Unit Weight:-
  • It is denoted by γsub or It is denoted by γʹ.
  • It is also called Buoyant unit weight.
  • It represents the unit weight of soil in submerged condition.
  • It is the ratio of the weight of soil in submerged condition or weight of submerged soil to the total volume of soil.
  • A buoyant force acts on the soil solids when soil exists below ground level i.e. in submersed condition; this buoyant force reduces the unit weight of soil.
  • Soil in submerged condition will be in saturated state also, but soil in saturated condition need not to be submerged.
  • Soil below water table is in submerged as well as saturated condition.
  • Soil in capillary zone is in saturated condition only.
  • γʹ = γsat - γw
  • Generally γʹ = 0.5×γsat


           Order of unit weight of soil-

                           γs > γsat > γt > γd > γsub

Specific Gravity:

Specific Gravity of Solid:-

  • It is denoted by G.
  • It is also called True Specific Gravity or Absolute Specific Gravity or Grain Specific Gravity.
  • It is defined as the ratio of unit weight of soil solids to the unit weight of water at 40C.
  • It is unitless quantity.
  • The specific gravity of fine-grained soil is always greater than the specific gravity of coarse-grained soil (Gfine grained soil > Gcoarse grained soil).
  • The specific gravity of soil is directly proportional to the Mineral content, like- Iron + Mica. (G α Mineral content)
  • The specific gravity of soil is inversely proportional to the amount of organic matter content. (G α 1/Amount of organic matter content).
  • G = 1.2 to 1.4 for organic soil.

            = 2.6 to 2.75 for inorganic soil.

  • In India, specific gravity is reported at 270C,

Mass Specific Gravity:-

  • It is denoted by Gm.
  • It is also called Apparent specific gravity.
  • It is defined as the ratio of unit weight of soil mass in natural state (i.e. γsat or γt or γd ) to the unit weight of water.
  • It is a unitless quantity.
  • Mass specific gravity is always less than Specific gravity (Gm < G).
  •  Gm = G / (1+e)

Relative density (Dr) or Density Index (ID):-

  • It is used to compare the degree of denseness of two cohesionless soils.
  • When particles are arranged in cubical array-

          emax = 0.91 = Void ratio of soil in densest state

  • When particles are arranged in prismoidal array-

          emin = 0.35 = Void ratio of soil in loosest state

  • This parameter is used in sandy and gravelly soils.
  • Loose soil has a low value of relative density, whereas dense soil has a high value of relative density.
  • Relative density is directly proportional to the shear strength of soil.

Relative density α shear strength of soil

  • Relative density is inversely proportional to the compressibility of soil.

Relative density α 1/Compressibility of soil

  • The lowest possible value of Relative density is 0.
  • The highest possible value of Relative density is 100.
  • According to relative density, the soil is classified as-

Relative density



Very loose soil


Loose soil


Medium dense soil


Dense soil


Very dense soil

 Relative Compaction:-

  • It is denoted by Rc.
  • It is used to compare the degree of denseness of two cohesive and cohesionless soils both.
                                                        Rc= γD / γDmax

Phase Diagram and Some Important Definitions Phase Diagram and Some Important Definitions Reviewed by Shashi Bhushan on 12:30 AM Rating: 5

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